Jubilee Message by Elder Rev Dr. Chan
"CGBC, 2018 and Beyond
The challenge of growing CGBC in fulfilment of God’s call has mobilized the leaders and members of the church to bring out our best and to serve with excellence. The grace to celebrate Jubilee Year in 2017 has greatly motivated the church to move forward as we reflect on God’s goodness unto us.
In the last 50 years, CGBC has moved from 200 strong and grown to exceed a thousand in 2008, only to settle at around 800 members today. As we take stock of our current developments, it is good that we can look to God for inspiration beyond 2018.
What is God’s vision for CGBC in 2018 and thereafter? I believe that God would want the church to ‘love Him with all our hearts’ (Mark 12:30). It’s God’s desire, that He will always be No 1 in our lives, and that our hearts are filled with love for Him, just as He has loved us. As God’s people, there is nothing more important than to love Him. Loving God will ensure that we put our priorities right with His perspective (Isaiah 55:8-9).
When we love God with all our hearts, we’ll serve Him with a pure heart and the right motive, that is to please Him. In everything we do, think or plan, we do it unto Him (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17). Divisions and infighting in a church can often be attributed to leaders serving with self-interest, placing self above God. He will be pleased with us if our motivation in ministry and lives is to honour and glorify Him. An undivided church is a glorious one that draw God’s blessings upon His people.
The united church is one who serves God as a family. When God first created the world and made Adam, His desire was to create a family that belongs to Him. The body of Christ that Paul used to symbolize the church, reflected God’s heart for us. In 2018 and beyond, we pray that CGBC will continue to serve God as a family (1 Corinthians 12:27). Over the last 50 years, CGBC has strived to stay and serve as a family, united in our hearts to honour our God. May God help us to overcome differences in our perspectives that we will not only serve Him as a family, but also love as a family.
God is gracious and abounding in love. It is God’s desire that we love and care for one another. Will our fingers freely poke our eyes, causing hurts and pain? As a loving family, we are to abide by God’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, where Paul taught that love is kind, patient and abounding in grace, always protects, always trusts and hope with perseverance. In 2018 and beyond, we pray that the church will continue to be a family of love, that God’s name will be glorified though us.
As CGBC move forward in 2018, we want to come with thanksgiving in our hearts just as the Psalmist declared of God’s goodness in Psalms 33:1-3 and Psalm 100. Our thanksgiving are to fill our hearts and mouths whatever the circumstances we face. God is faithful and will surely make a way for us even when there is no way. Let thanksgiving be our culture and surely God will be pleased with our attitude that bears forth our trust in His faithfulness at all time.
Lastly, CGBC will continue to be a visionary church who knows that God cannot fail as He is one who keep His word and will not deny His own name (Rev 3:8). We will grow as an apostolic cell church who is built on His Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit,whose purpose is to mentor and release servant leaders (disciples) for His Kingdom ministries. God is faithful and will be gracious in His ways to bring fulfilment unto His call for CGBC as His vision extend to 2018 and beyond.As God’s people, we can look forward with expectation of greater breakthroughs in our midst that in 2018, more servant leaders will be groomed and more will give generously unto His purpose that together as a church, CGBC will experience renewal and revival. To God be the Glory!! "