King’s Kids Church (KKC)
Date: 28/05/23 Create In Me A Clean Heart
We are thankful to God for His lovingkindness that we can confess our sins and He forgives and makes us clean. May we learn to run back to Father God and not run away from Him when they have committed sin.
Date: 21/05/23 Sweeter Than Honey
God’s Word is sweeter than honey. May our children learn to enjoy spending time reading or listening to God’s Word that is eternal, life transforming and God’s love letter to us.
Date: 14/05/23 Mother’s Day Celebration
Date: 30/04/23 The Lord Will Provide
Date: 16/04/23 The Lord’s Supper
We remember the love of God every time we take Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.
• The bread = Jesus’ body broken for us.
• The cup (red juice) = Jesus’ blood shed for us.
Jesus took our punishment & offers us a new life with Him. His death was sad, but Jesus is alive! Jesus washes the disciples’ feet to demonstrate to us on how to help others with humility.
Date: 09/04/23 Easter Party Celebration
Date: 02/04/23 Celebrate, Jesus is Alive
We start our celebration for the new life that comes with accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Jesus is alive and He has conquered death and because He lives, we have hope of eternity with God our maker. God loves all of us and has given Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins.
Date: 12/03/23 The Good Shepherd
God cares for us and provides for all our needs. We do not need to do anything to receive God’s blessing. We just need to believe and to trust Him.
Date: 05/03/23 God’s Love is Eternal
God’s love is eternal. He has and will always love us. His love never runs out and cannot be measured. He promised to love us with an everlasting love. May we dwell in God’s love forever and ever. God loves everyone.
Date: 26/02/23 God’s Love is Victorious
With God, all things are possible. Jesus’ death was victorious when He defeated sin on the cross.
Date: 12/02/23 God’s Love Is One-of-a-kind
God’s love is one-of-a-kind. We are precious to Him. He never gives up on us no matter how far we have strayed. He will look for us and bring us back to Him. Let us be found in His presence.
Date: 05/02/23 God’s Love is Long Suffering
God’s love is perfect. He is patient with us even when we do wrong. He forgives us and gives us salvation. When we learn to love others like how God loves us, we too can accept others for who they are.
Date: 29/01/23 Chinese New Year Thanksgiving
Date: 15/01/23 Go to Church/Give Generously
Church is God’s people who make up the body of Christ. Every believer of Jesus has an important function and we are called to be generous and be a cheerful giver in everything that we do.
Date: 08/01/23 Read your Bible/Pray Everyday
For the word of God is alive and powerful… (Hebrews 4:12)
Date: 18/12/22 God Is Stronger Than Anything
Nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. ( Romans 8:38 )
Date: 11/12/22 God Is In Charge
How great is our Lord, His power is absolute. ( Psalm 147:5 )
Date: 04/12/22 God Is With You Everywhere
For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Date: 27/11/22 God Loves You No Matter What
There may be times when we fail to do or say what is right but God still loves us no matter what. For His unfailing love will last forever.
( Psalm 89:2 )
Date: 20/11/22 Wisdom vs natural inclination
Being wise is different from being smart. A smart person knows a lot of facts, but a wise person is able to apply those facts to the situation at hand. May our children seek wisdom from God.
Date: 13/11/22 Cautiousness vs rashness
A cautious person understands that right timing is crucial and they take time to find out the attitudes and actions of those around them. There are many influences that can either encourage good character or destroy it. May our children take the initiative to be kind and considerate towards others.
Date: 06/11/22 Sensitivity vs callousness
Sensitivity is exercising our senses so that we can perceive the true spirit and emotions of those around us. We should put ourselves in other’s shoes, before rushing to conclude why other people behave such. It is wise to first consider life from other’s perspectives to show that we care and demonstrate true concern with encouraging words or a helping hand.
Date: 30/10/22 Creativity vs under- achievement
Creativity does not always mean having new ideas, it simply means applying your knowledge in a different way and looking at situations from a new perspective. Remaining in our comfort zone will result in us missing opportunities to grow.
Date: 16/10/22 Flexibility vs resistance
A flexible person realizes that other people may have equal valuable opinions, suggestions and methods too. Life is full of surprises and we must learn to remain calm and adjusts to changing situations accordingly. Let not our children be self-centered, opposes changes and seek only own fulfilment.
Date: 09/10/22 Initiative vs unresponsiveness
Doing what is needed to be done before we are told to, that is initiative. May our children learn to take initiative in all that they do. May they find joy in helping others around them. God took initiative to show us how to love others. May we too be a channel of blessings to others.
Date: 02/10/22 Availability vs self-centeredness
Let us learn to make ourselves available to serve others instead of being self-centered. May we be like Timothy in the Bible who genuinely cares for others.
Date: 25/09/22 Joyfulness vs self-pity
Joy is produced as fruit of the Holy Spirit. May our children learn to grow to be more like Jesus so that joyfulness be evident in their lives. May their joyfulness strengthen them and others to heal a hurting world we live in.
Date: 18/09/22 Decisiveness vs double-mindedness
Let us learn how to make difficult decisions with our focus on God. May our children learn to be decisive in obeying God & not make the mistake Lot’s wife made in the Bible by being double-minded.
Date: 04/09/22 Discernment vs judgement
Discernment is wisdom from God to know His purposes and to understand why things happen. It will help us to make right judgement. Our God is all knowing, He will help us to choose to do what is good and not form opinions based on what we see only. The world will be a better place when we start to understand one another and tolerate all our differences.
Date: 28/08/22 Thriftiness vs extravagance
God is the One who has given us all that we have. He provided for all our needs. Let us learn not to let ourselves or others spend on what is not necessary and wisely manage what God has given to us.
Date: 21/08/22 Tolerance vs prejudice
God sees a person created in His image and is of great worth. God wants us to be patient, merciful, forgiving, courteous & respectful. May we learn to have tolerance.
Date: 14/08/22 Diligence vs slothfulness
Each task is a special assignment from God so we should learn to complete them wholeheartedly. May we all learn to see the importance of being diligent in carrying out whatever we do.
Date: 31/07/22 Gentleness vs harshness
Let us show gentleness in meeting the needs of others. May our children have loving hands, wise words and show pleasant body language to people around them.
Date: 24/07/22 Justice vs unfairness
Justice is our personal responsibility to God’s unchanging laws. May our children be a generation to speak for what is true, desire to act on what is right, keep our motives pure and show mercy in our world that is crying out for justice.
Date: 10/07/22 Sincerity vs hypocrisy
This Sunday in KKC children continued to learn to be sincere in all that they do. We pray that our children are always eager to do what is right and be responsible for all their actions and words.
Date: 03/07/22 Gratefulness vs unthankfulness
Please and thank you are two common words that we use everyday. Today we are learning to be grateful for all that we have. Let our children learn to appreciate the people in their lives and not complain about what they don’t have. Everything comes from God so let us be thankful for all the blessings He has given us.
Date: 26/06/22 Contentment vs covetousness
When we are contented we can begin to thank God for our blessings and not compare ourselves with others. We will learn to be grateful and help those around us. It is not how much we have but being satisfied with what we already have. God is good and He has provided for all our needs.
Date: 19/06/22 Father’s Day Celebration
Date: 12/06/22 Enthusiasm vs apathy
As we continue to learn to live a fruitful and joyful life, let us be excited about the things around us. We may face many challenges but when we have the joy of the Lord in us, we can have a positive attitude and we can also be an encourager to the people around us. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Rejoice always.
Date: 05/06/22 Determination vs faith-heartedness
Purposing to accomplish God’s goals in God’s time regardless of the opposition, that’s DETERMINATION. Let our children not be discouraged by failures but to keep pressing forward for God is always there for us and with us.
Date: 29/05/22 Loyalty vs unfaithfulness
As we serve others, we show our loyalty to God as a response to His faithful love for us. As Jesus gave up His life for us, let us also give our lives to the people that God put in our lives. Let us be a channel of God’s love to others who have yet to experience His love.
Date: 22/05/22 Dependability vs inconsistency
Our lives are full of challenges. But let us not be discouraged because we have a dependable God who created us and know all our needs. Let our children learn to be reliable and trustworthy just like our Lord Jesus Christ.
Date: 15/05/22 Responsibility vs unreliability
Let our children be responsible even in small tasks to prepare them for bigger tasks. May they do everything to the best of their ability and shine for Jesus wherever they may be.
Date: 08/05/22 Mother’s Day Celebration
Date: 24/04/22 Compassion vs indifference
When we notice others who are hurting and we stop to help and take time to listen to them and do what we can to show kindness, regardless of our differences, we are demonstrating the love of God to people around us. Let us show compassion as a lifestyle.
Date: 17/04/22 Easter Celebration
Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again.
Date: 10/04/22 Endurance vs giving up
We all need endurance to run this race in life to finish well. Life may be tough for many but as we endure we will come out stronger and be victorious with Jesus as our Commander in chief. Keep our eyes fixed on Him!
Date: 03/04/22 Obedience vs willfulness
May our children learn to obey the right people God has placed above them with the right attitude and quickly.
Date: 27/03/22 Forgiveness vs rejection
As in the Lord’s prayer states, ‘ forgive us our sins as we forgive others’. Let not bitterness take root and cause trouble in our relationships but as He has forgiven us ALL our sins as we confessed, let us learn to forgive others.
Date: 13/03/22 Patience vs restlessness
We will benefit if we cultivate patience and wait on God’s timing instead of rushing things along.
Date: 06/03/22 Boldness vs fearfulness
May our children learn to be bold, to tell the truth and do the right things. Grant all of us the boldness to share our faith with those who are yet to know You as their Saviour.
Date: 27/02/22 Reverence vs disrespect
Revere God and show respect for those who have authority over us like parents, teachers and government.
Date: 20/02/22 Humility vs pride
Let us learn to humble ourselves in all occasions that we may receive praise from God Himself.
Date: 13/02/22 Hospitality vs loneliness
May our children learn to cheerfully share their food, shelter and even spiritual refreshment with those God brings into their lives.
Date: 30/01/22 Chinese New Year Celebration
Date: 23/01/22 Generosity vs Stinginess
Our God is a very generous God and His example of generosity should encourage us to do likewise. If all of us show this quality, the world will be a better place!
Date: 16/01/22 Attentiveness vs Unconcern
May God speak to the children that they will show concern to the important things in life & grow to be future leaders with excellent character.
Date: 09/01/22 Love vs Selfishness
God’s love, protection and provision was with us in 2021 and we pray that we will be a channel of His love to people around us as we step into a whole new year with new hope and grace.
Date: 26/12/21 Blessed Christmas
God’s perfect plan for us begins and ends with Jesus.
Date: 19/12/21 Let Jesus Shine Through Us
Jesus our Lord has equipped us for victory and will continue to walk with us as we shine for Him and march forward into the world. With Jesus, everything is possible.
Date: 12/12/21 We Are To Tell Others About Jesus
Jesus came to us with a mission, to restore our right standing with God. We now have a mission, to share His love to people around us. Jesus is alive today and He loves all of us.
Date: 05/12/21 The Holy Spirit Gives You Power
Our secret weapon against the enemy is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us power to defeat the enemy and do God’s will. Let’s be victorious in our lives as we allow the Holy Spirit full control and be guided and led by Him.
Date: 28/11/21 3 Important Weapons – Praise, Prayer & the Bible
When we live a life praising and honouring God in all our ways, we will remain in God’s protection. When we connect to God in prayer, we are more than powerful to conquer our challenges. And we have the Bible to guide us and remind us of God’s provision and love.
Date: 21/11/21 What do we wear? The Sword of the Spirit
God’s Word, our Bible is the only weapon we need to fight the enemy. May our children hide the Word of God in their hearts so that they will always be safe in God’s protection.
Date: 14/11/21 What do we wear? The Helmet of Salvation
Let us fill our minds with God’s truth and protect ourselves and our loved ones from the lies of satan. Let us teach our children to put on the Helmet of Salvation that comes only through Jesus, our Saviour.
Date: 31/10/21 What do we wear? The Shield of Faith
Got has given us a powerful shield. The shield of faith to protect us from the fiery darts that the world throws at us. Faith in God’s promises that He will protects us and provides for all our needs.
Date: 24/10/21 What do we wear? The Shoes of Peace
The peace of God is a victory that many seek during this season in life. Let us share the goodness of God’s peace that Jesus promises to people around us.
Date: 10/10/21 What do we wear? The Breastplate of Righteousness
God prepares us to fight our battles in lives with an armour that comes only from Him. With His breastplate of righteousness, we can stand firm and confident against the scheme of the evil one.
Date: 03/10/21 What do we wear? The Belt of Truth
If we are to stand up against evil, we must be firmly secured by the truth. Jesus is the truth and the truth of God holds everything together. We must know the truth to defeat our enemy.
Date: 26/09/21 Our Training Manual, The Bible
The Bible is our training manual in life. We need to hide God’s Word in our heart so that we will stay away from sin.
Date: 12/09/21 Our Commander-n-Chief, Jesus
Trusting and obeying our Commander is the key to victory in life. Jesus our boss takes care of us fully.
Date: 05/09/21 Recruitment Day – How Do I Join God’s Army?
In God’s army, we don’t need to be strong and able. We just need to believe that Jesus is our Saviour.
Date: CGBC KKC Boot Camp
Date: 22/08/21 Jesus gives us victory over the devil
We need to recognize and be aware of the devil’s scheme and stand firm in doing what is right and honouring to God with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Date: 15/08/21 Who is a Christian?
Christians are people with an inward change by God that results in a passionate love for God and people around them. A Christian is a person who lives for Jesus.
Date: 08/08/21 Who is God? The Holy Spirit
God, our creator sent us a helper in the form of the Holy Spirit to empower, lead, comfort and strengthen us to live a victorious life in the failing world. With the help of the Holy Spirit, God wants us to help others around us.
Date: 25/07/21 Who is God? The Son
Jesus shows us God’s love when He came to die for our sins.
Date: 18/07/21 Who is God? My Father
Our heavenly Father who made the universe and everything in it is a perfect Father who will never fail us.
Date: 11/07/21 Fun Quiz
Learning God’s Word can be fun and rewarding.
Date: 27/06/21 God will bless you by accepting you right now
God has made us acceptable when the precious blood of Jesus cleansed us from all sin and unrighteousness. We are now made sons and daughters of God.
Date: 20/06/21 Father’s Day Celebration
Fathers are gifts from God.
Date: 13/06/21 God will bless you with wisdom
We need God’s wisdom and blessings to be fruitful in life. Wisdom comes from reading the Word of God. And God promised to give us wisdom.
Date: 06/06/21 God will bless you no matter where you go
Wherever we go or whatever we are going through, God is with us. We can always be safe when we are with Him.
Date: 30/05/21 God will bless others by blessing you
Blessings we receive from God is not for us only. God uses us to be a blessing to others around us.
Date: 23/05/21 God will bless you with good things
Children of God can expect blessings even during the pandemic because loving us is the will of God, our Father in heaven.
Date: 09/05/21 Mother’s Day Celebration
Mothers are gifts from God
Date: 02/05/2021 God will help me be faithful to the end
It is never easy to be faithful in doing what is right but God knows when we need Him and He will help us to remain faithful even when facing death.
Date: 25/04/2021 God will help me be true to my word
Words are powerful. A kind word will encourage another but a hurtful word can break someone. Once said we cannot take back. God will help us to keep to our words and promises just like how He has.
Date: 18/04/2021 God will help me not to care what others think of me
It is never easy to please people around us all the time. God wants us to obey and listen to Him because He wants the best for us.
Date: 11/04/2021 God will help me seek the truth & be teachable
As we open our hearts to ask God to come into our lives, He will show us His love and promises.
Date: 04/04/2021 Easter Special
Easter is a celebration of hope, love and eternal life. With the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, man can have a second chance of a secured eternal future with God our heavenly Father. A blessed Easter to you.
Date: 28/03/2021 God Will Help Me Put His Work First
When we put God first in our lives and do what He wants, He will make sure we will have all that we need.
Date: 21/03/2021 God Will Help Me Tell Others About Christ
Those who know Jesus know there is hope for a better tomorrow.
Date: 14/03/2021 God Will Help Me Build My Life On The Words Of Jesus
God’s love and promises are our sure solid foundation in life. We can count on and trust Jesus for what He says, He will do.
Date: 07/03/2021 God Will Help Me Love Jesus More Than Anything Or Anyone Else
Let us love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind and love one another as how God has loved us.
Date: 28/02/2021 God Will Help Me Be Content Where He Has Me
Trust God to provide for all our needs. Be contented with where God put us in and when we are contented, we will begin to appreciate the things around us.
Date: 21/02/2021 God Will Help Me Use My Talents To Bless Others
God bless us with talents. So “show love in everything you do.” 1 Corinthians 16:14
Date: 07/02/2021 KKC Chinese New Year Special Edition
Date: 31/01/2021 God Will Help Me Count The Cost And Really Change My Life
There is a price for everything and Jesus paid the biggest price for our sins.
Date: 24/01/2021 God Will Help Me Celebrate The Great Things He Is Doing
Stay focus and rejoice in the Lord in all situations and circumstances we are in.
Date: 17/01/2021 God Will Help Me Be Ready For Anything
The Word of God get us ready to face challenges in life.
Date: 10/01/2021 Looking Back Moving Forward
We may not be able to control what happens around us but we can choose to face them with God’s help.
Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV)
Date: 27/12/2020 Be Thankful At All Times
The more we profess thankfulness, the more we will notice the things that we can be thankful for.
Date: 20/12/2020 Christmas Celebration
Christmas is Christ
Date: 13/12/2020 No Room In The Inn
God gave us the greatest power that is the power to choose. Choose Jesus. Make room for Him in our heart.
John 1:14 (GNT)
The Word became a human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us.
Date: 29/11/2020 KKC VBS – Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Good Friends
Date: 22/11/2020 KKC VBS – Jesus’ Power Lets Us Live Forever
Date: 15/11/2020 KKC VBS – Jesus’ Power Helps Us Be Bold
Date: 08/11/2020 KKC VBS – Jesus’ Power Gives Us Hope
Date: 01/11/2020 KKC VBS – Jesus’ Power Helps Us To Do Hard Things
Date: 25/10/2020 The Father’s Love
The heart of our Father in heaven is to pour out mercy and not judgement. He is ever ready to forgive us of our sins when we repent and turn back to Him.
Date: 18/10/2020 The Father Loves Us And Wants To Bless Us
God is always looking for ways to bless us. His greatest love for us is when He sent Jesus to be punished for our sins.
Date: 11/10/2020 The Father’s Heart Is For His Children
God created the heaven and the earth for us, His children. He knows us even before we were born.
Date: 27/09/2020 Follow Jesus No Matter What
It is never easy to live right in the world but take heart for God knows and He will reward us for standing firm in doing what pleases Him.
Date: 20/09/2020 Make Peace With Everyone
Live at peace with everyone even though we are not in the wrong.
Date: 13/09/2020 A Pure Heart Will See God
A pure heart is one that is free from wickedness. God know we cannot be pure by our own. We need Jesus. Only those who have a strong desire to please God will see and know God.
Date: 06/09/2020 Show Mercy To Receive Mercy
The greatest mercy is when Jesus died on the cross & took the punishment for our sins.
“Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!”
Matthew 5:7 (GNT)
Date: 30/08/2020 I Want To Do The Right Thing
When we do what is right according to God’s law, our lives are complete and we will enjoy the full blessings from God.
Date: 23/08/2020 Let Go, Let God
Meek is not weak. It is our inner strength in control over our outer strength.
“Happy are the meek, they will receive what God has promised. ” Matthew 5:5
Date: 16/08/2020 I’m Sorry, God
When we mourn for our sin and the sin of others, God will comfort us.
“Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them!” Matthew 5 : 4 GNT
Date: 09/08/2020 I Need You, God
We are to increasingly give over the control of our lives to God. Without God, we are nobody and our lives will be empty and hard.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.” Matthew 5 : 3 (NIV)
Date: 02/08/2020 WOW Science Sunday
God is faithful, gentle and yet powerful. He gives us a reason to live, to show others what love is.
(For full video please click link below)
Date: 26/07/2020 Do What The Lord Says
Head knowledge is nothing until we put them into practice.
Date: 19/07/2020 God Loves It When We Help Others
Jesus is our good example to live a righteous life. He teaches us to serve with humility and joy.
Date: 12/07/2020 God Helps Us To Live A Clean Life
Living a life that pleases God cannot happen until God changes our mindset and values
Date: 05/07/2020 A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Love is giving and not receiving
Date: 28/06/2020 Self-control
We must allow God to take over in the things we say and do
Date: 21/06/2020 Blessed Father’s Day
A father is God’s greatest gift to every family.
Date: 14/06/2020 Gentleness
Gentleness is not weakness. It is treating others with care.
Date: 07/06/2020 Faithfulness
Without faith, it is impossible to please God.
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever and His faithfulness continues to each generation. (Psalm 100:5)
Date: 31/05/2020 Crossing Our Jordan………Moving Forward
Just like how the Israelites crossed the Jordan river into the Promised Land, God will help us to step back into the world as we will be stepping out of the CMCO soon.
Date: 24/05/2020 God Never Changes
Things and people change but God never changes
Date: 17/05/2020 Goodness
Goodness is doing right, day and night
Date: 10/05/2020 Blessed Mother’s Day
Mothers are gifts from God just as children are gifts to all mothers.
Date: 03/05/2020 Movie Day
Dear parents, it’s been 45 days since first lockdown. We thank God that all is well because of Him. As many parents will be going back to work on Monday 4/5, we pray for God’s protection and favour to be upon them. As this weekend may be the last weekend of lockdown for many, we want to share a few good movies for your family time as there is no KKC today. Happy viewing and may you have a wonderful weekend.
Below are the link to the movies
Date: 26/04/2020 Kindness (Meekness)
Kindness is that special feeling we have towards people as the love of Christ shines through us
Date: 19/04/2020 Attitude is Everything
Date : 12/04/2020 Easter Celebration
Date: 08/03/2020 Patience
Patience is developed through longsuffering
Date: 01/03/2020
NO KKC on this Sunday. Have a blessed week.
Our Champions for Feb 2020
February – Fruit of the Spirit
Date: 23/02/2020 Peace
Peace starts small and grows into a priceless gem
Date: 16/02/2020 Joy
True joy is a gift from God
Date: 09/02/2020 Love
Love one another as God has loved us
Date: 02/02/2020 Chinese New Year
Our Champions for Jan 2020
Our CHAMPIONS for 2019
Our Champions for Nov 2019
Our Champions for Sept 2019
Date: 22/09/2019 KKC Mini VBS – God Is Our Friend
Date: 2019-08-25 Jesus is Our Good Shepherd
Date: 2019-08-18 Be Kind to Others
Date: 2019-08-04 God Forgives Us
Date: 2019-07-28 Fools Love Money
Money cannot buy everything. It cannot buy health, joy and eternal life.
Date: 2019-07-21 The Future If Forever
God knows the future and is in control. Be prepared for Jesus will return to judge and rule the universe.
Date: 2019-07-14 KKC Special Mini VBS – Bugs Safari
we cannot hide from God. God knows everything.
Date: 2019-07-07 Getting Right With God
Our champions for the month of June 2019
Date: 2019-06-30 The Seed and Soil
Date: 2019-06-23 Rock or Sand Foundation
Date: 2019-06-16 Father’s Day
Date: 2019-06-09 Honour Your Father And Your Mother
We are teaching our children to put into practice what they have learnt. Let’s partner in bringing up a generation that fears God and respect their parents.
Date: 2019-05-26 The Decaying Universe Awaits For God To Recreate Its Splendor
Date: 2019-05-19 Be Ready As Jesus Is Coming Back To Earth
Date: 2019-05-12 Blessed Mother’s Day
Date: 2019-05-05
Date: 2019-04-21 Jesus is Alive !
Matthew 28:6 (NIV)
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
Date: 2019-04-14
Date: 2019-03-30 Outing To Taiping Zoo
Date: 2019-03-17 Heaven and Hell are Real
Heaven and hell are real and God’s love is real too. He created us to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Jesus will judge all of us. The wicked will be condemned while the righteous will be rewarded. In KKC tomorrow, children will be reminded that when we live a life according to God’s way and put our trust on Jesus to help us, we will be with Jesus forever in heaven.
Date: 2019-03-10 Forgiveness
In KKC this Sunday, children will learn that forgiveness is a very important practice in lives. Without the forgiveness of God our Father in heaven, we will remain living in darkness and without hope. As Jesus forgives us of our sins, we are to forgive others. We should look beyond the surface and see the goodness within others so that we can love others as Jesus loves us. Let our children live a healthy lifestyle as unforgiveness can create bitterness and anger that holds them back to excel in lives.
Date: 2019-03-03 Love Your Enemies
Matthew 5:44 (NKJV)
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
Date: 2019-02-24 KKC Got Talent
Date: 2019-02-10 Chinese New Year Celebration