This update is dated 10am on 13/10/2021.
Election of Elders/Deacons Announcement:
Dear members of CGBC,
Kindly be informed that we will be holding our election of elders & deacons on the Saturday of 20/11 from 9am to 4pm via drive-thru and walk-thru at front and side of church building respectively. We request your earnest cooperation for this year’s election as it is special in view of the on-going, but diminishing pandemic. Pr Khim will explain the process and SOP through a series of video demo as we come nearer to the election date. For those who are not sure of their eligibility to vote, please call up the church office at 05-5468480 to confirm their status prior to the election. The candidates’ brief profile are attached herewith this link, so do not waste time contemplating about your choice at the voting booth. Kindly disseminate the above information to all your members and advice them accordingly.
Thank you and God bless!
CGBC Ipoh Council.
This update is dated 10am on 21/05/2021.
Dear CGBC Community,
It is confirmed that Ipoh will come under EMCO from this Saturday 22/5 to Friday 4/6. Some important SOPs relevant to us for your attention:
- Only one person per household is allowed to go out. If you are cooking, you should know what to do.
- Most food outlets and grocer stores are allowed to operate until 8pm. Wet market closed by 2pm.
- Church is closed and staffs work from home. Everyone of them is contactable by phone.
- Sunday services will be pre-recorded and broadcast live on YouTube.
- All other church activities revert to Zoom.
- Any emergency needs arised, kindly contact your cell leaders, or cell supervisors.
- The above advice may be extended to, at least, until EMCO ends.
Let’s persevere and look out for each other during this trying time. James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.” Thank you & God bless.
CGBC Ipoh Council.
This update is dated 10am on 11/05/2021.
Dear CGBC Community,
In view of the worsening condition of MCO in the country, we will conduct our church and outreach activities between 12 May and 7 June as follows:
1. For Ipoh, Sunday Chinese & English services, and Wednesday PnP service will be live stream. No physical meet. However, Monday night service will closed. All other activities including Cell and Youth’s meeting are to revert to Zoom.
2. For Outreach, all church activities are call off and replaced with visitation as and when police permits are given for ministry leaders to travel. However, services at Menglembu outreach will to revert to Zoom.
3. Church Office will remain open with staffs in attendance, while Kindy will be closed until further notice.
Please disseminate the above information to your cell or team members or anyone in church. Thank you.
CGBC Ipoh Council.

This update is dated 10pm on 20/06/2020.
Reopening of CGBC during RMCO
Dear CGBC Community,
Shalom! In response to PM’s announcement of the recovery stage of the current movement control order (RMCO), we are glad to inform you that CGBC will resume its services in church in the near future. Rest assured that the safety, welfare and comfort of the congregation have been taken into consideration in accordance with conditions stated under standard operating procedures (SOP) at both State and Federal levels. While we may rejoice to know that the pandemic is on the decline, let us not stop to give thanks to God who has been with us throughout this trial. The decisions that has been made at the Council meeting on 20/06/2020 and in the presence of all ministry heads are:
- CGBC will reopen Sunday services effective 1st Sunday of August 2020. However, attendance in services will be reduced to 1/3 of our former attendance in accordance with the SOP. Members and regular attendees will be informed of their scheduled attendance in church before August. This will be based on their feedback to the recent survey via the Google forms. As for those who are under 12 and above 70 years of age, they will be connected with the services through live streaming in the comfort of their homes until further relaxation of the government SOP. The Sunday services are: (1) Chinese from 8am – 9am; 1st English from 10am – 11am; 2nd English from 12 noon – 1pm. The Monday Chinese service is from 8pm – 9pm.
- Pray and Praise (PnP) service shall resume on 1st Wednesday of August (05/08/2020) from 830pm – 10pm. SOP applies.
- Youth service shall resume on Saturday from 4pm – 5pm effective 1st Saturday of August (01/08/2020). SOP applies.
- King’s Kid Church (KKC) shall continue with online pre-recorded lessons until further relaxation in the SOP.
- Canning Community Center (CCC) ministry will remain closed until further relaxation in the SOP.
- Deaf ministry shall continue their services with Zoom video conferencing by their choice. But when they meet in church once in a while on Sunday from 2pm – 3pm, SOP will apply.
- Kindergarten will reopen its classes effective 1st week of July, 2020, but without nursery care for the time being. SOP applies.
- Home cell meetings shall continue with Zoom or other video conferencing apps until further improvement of the Covid-19 situation. However, cell meetings in church premise can be considered. Leaders who are interested to use church premise, kindly contact Ps Ai Ling on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. In such cases, SOP applies.
- CGBC Menglembu Outreach will resume its services effective 1st week of August, 2020. Chinese on Saturday (01/08/2020) from 12:30pm – 1:30pm, and English on Friday (07/08/2020) from 8:30pm – 9:30pm. SOP applies.
- CGBC Tronoh Outreach will remain closed and only cell meeting will resume effective 1st Saturday of August, 2020, from 3pm – 4pm. SOP applies.
- CGBC Kampar Outreach will resume its services effective 1st Sunday of August, 2020 from 7:30pm – 8:30pm. SOP applies.
- CGBC Taiping Outreach will remain closed and only cell meeting will resume effective 1st week of August, 2020. Monday cell meet from 8pm – 9pm and Thursday cell meet from 11:30am – 12:30pm. SOP applies.
- All other occasional ministry gatherings or services in church not mentioned above will also resume effective August, 2020 in accordance with the SOP.
CGBC – Standard Operating Procedures (adapted from latest Government SOP)
- Screening process for services. Attendees limited to ages of 12-70 years in accordance with government’s directive. No ill persons shall attend services. Temperature check, hand sanitation at entrance to hall and wearing of mask (with exception of worship leader, chairperson and preacher when they are on stage) are compulsory.
- Registration of those in attendance will be taken either by scanning of QR code or manual record for the purpose of contact tracing. Assign someone to be responsible for this exercise at every service or gathering. People who attend church should stick to the same scheduled services and priority is to be given to those without online access.
- Make available hand sanitizers at strategic places in the hall or sanctuary other than those at the entrance/exit point. Hand shaking and hugging are to be strictly avoided.
- Before and after every service, seat surfaces and shared equipment on stage (microphone and other electronic/musical instruments) are to be sanitized by wiping or disinfected. Sufficient time must be given to cleaners in between services.
- Entrance and exit are to be limited to the same door/gate, and walkway is to be clearly demarcated for movement of attendees without wandering all over.
- Ushers are to guide attendees to their seats to maximize seating capacity and oversee crowd control to maintain social distancing before or after the service ends. Attendees are to be guided to leave the sanctuary after service to minimize crowding. There will be no tea fellowship.
- Preparation of premise. Alternate seats and rows, and seating diagonally to maintain a social distancing of at least 1m apart from the left, right, back, and front. Family members from same household are also to observe social distancing measures in church.
- Bulletin, communion cup/bread and tithing/gift envelope should be placed on the demarcated seats. However, the church should also encourage attendees to give/tithe online. In any event, collection boxes are to be made available at the entrance/exit for the ease of those who may not use the electronic means.
- Minor modifications and clear instructions are to be given for shared use of toilet facilities. After every and before next service, the toilet has to be cleaned and sanitized immediately. If there is an evening gathering during the week days, the premise/hall, walkway and toilet have to be cleaned before the Kindergarten starts the next morning.
The church is immensely grateful and happy to see members and regular attendees continued making every effort to keep fellowship during this MCO period. We thank God that we are seeing the decline of this pandemic, and are preparing ourselves to transit to the new normal. We seek your full understanding and cooperation to bear with the current situation and each other for a little while more. By God’s grace, we will find normalization in the due process of doing church and in secular living. We wish everyone success, stay safe while we navigate through these new norms in picking up where we have left off months ago.
Happy Father’s Day! God bless you.
CGBC Ipoh Council.

This update is dated 10pm on 30/05/2020.
– CGBC In Preparation For Post-MCO Era: Multi-Media Ministry.
Dear CGBC Community,
Shalom! It’s our desire that this message will find you in anticipation the worst is over. While that may be true, however, the road to recovery is still a long way off. Most expert opinions predict that we will have to adapt to a new normal when church reopens. That means, we have to accept the fact that church life will not be the same again. As such, we have to reinvent ourselves and learn to decentralize church activities away from the building. A BANA research survey says 25% of people will not return to church when the lockdown is over. As of now, our CMCO only allows people who are 12 to 70 years to attend church and even then, only 30 people are allowed for any one sitting because of social distancing. It’s common knowledge today that the current situation will impact every aspect of life for at least a year, but we believe, three years is more likely. The road ahead is indeed very challenging.
In this context, we have to actively seek the Lord for a way out and pray faithfully, and not sit and wait until the whole pandemic is over. It may be too late then and some ministries may not be able to recover. The lives of people are at stake and we cannot afford to make a mistake. After much thought and prayer, we have decided to kick start a new ministry to counter the current situation. It is called the Multi-Media ministry. It was initially sought to upgrade and improve our digital quality for social media. This was so thought until the pandemic turn it into such a powerful tool, without which, all other ministries are virtually grounded. Seizing on the opportunity, the Multi-Media ministry is formed with mostly our young people and full-time staffs. We do not yet have a formal ‘term of reference’ or ‘standard operating procedure’ (SOP) for each department and position, but this is the best practice we can offer for the time being. We will proceed from here and improve through the process of time. Please refer to the organization chart above for a better understanding of how it operates and back up other ministries in church. The main objective is to keep the church going undeterred by the pandemic and, by God’s grace, we may even thrive on the current situation.
So, how is CGBC going to move forward, say in the next three years? What will happen to the group of people who cannot come to church? Where will church be for them? Perhaps, what Jesus said to the Samaritan woman in John 4:24 make more sense today than it has ever been – ‘True worshippers will worship God in spirit and in truth’. The idea of doing church away from the building is gaining traction. When CGBC reopens, the congregation will be divided into two groups: one on-site (sit in building) and the other off-site (outside of building but is connected on the social media) because of social distancing. These two groups will alternate weekly between on-site and off-site. The SOP which Dr. Daniel Tan and Dr. Wee Yoong formulated will be observed during the church on-site. However, the church off-site will be connected with the church on-site via the digital platform such as live stream for service on Sundays and video conferencing for other church activities like PnP on Wednesdays.
Last but not least, the Multi-Media ministry is set up based upon the needs of CGBC at this time. It will prepare the infra-structure for both hardware and software to operate the digital network. Having said this, a state of the art and cutting-edge multi-media capability is not enough if church members are not able to access its benefits. With this in mind, the Multi-Media ministry will also have a team to reach out to the off-site church members so that they may migrate to the E-family. They will be persuaded and encouraged, and train how to operate modern technology in the simplest form, for example, just having a smart hand phone and owning a Facebook account. Hopefully, they will ultimately upgrade to Zoom in the digital space. Though not all will be persuaded, we will give it a try. We will do it together, not just for ourselves, but to leave a legacy for the next generation to carry on the light to the nations.
Someone once says, ‘agility is ability, flexibility is power’. Church history has proven that we can do it. May the Lord bless all of you and our effort for His Kingdom sake!
CGBC Council.
This update is dated 9.00 pm on 21/05/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
Pertaining to the Government announcement on reopening of non-muslim houses of worship on 21/05/2020, kindly be informed of the following development in the interim:
- CGBC will remain closed even though CMCO allows non-muslim houses of worship to reopen on 10th June 2020, albeit with strict conditions. The Council felt that the current situation is still not conducive for the assembly of worshippers. The decision is made after much thought and prayer, and for the safety of the congregation.
- However, should there be any emergency matters that need to be dealt with in church, kindly call up the office first at 05-5468480.
- Church activities like Sunday services, Wednesday PnP, Youth, Deaf and KKC meetings, as well as most home cell meetings are now functioning on the digital platform using Zoom in particular. All are invited to join and you can obtain your ID and Password from your cell leaders and ministry heads.
- Thank you to all who have been giving faithfully and sacrificially in tithing and love gifts through online, ATM and even in person at the church gates!
- The Council is in the midst of finalizing the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the church when it reopens in the near future. Please take note.
- Last but not least, the Council would like to extend a word of appreciation and thank you to all who have given generously towards the PPE fund in support of our government hospitals. The final amount collected is RM12,220 and fully remitted to the Malaysian Baptist Convention (MBC).
God bless and stay safe!
CGBC Church Council.
This update is dated 7.00 pm on 04/05/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
Pertaining to PM’s latest announcement on 01/05/2020, kindly take note of the following development which will affect our church in the interim:
- Church office will remain closed until further notice.
- All mass gatherings such as services, meetings and other church activities are still being called off until further notice.
- Church kindergarten will remain closed until further notice by the principal.
Take care and God bless!
CGBC Church Council.
This update is dated 10.00 pm on 25/04/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
In view of Prime Minister Muhyiddin’s announcement on Thursday to extend the MCO to 12/05/2020, kindly take note that the church will continue to be closed until further notice. All church services and meetings will continue to be decentralised to individual homes via live streaming. Those who are not able to operate video conferencing using Zoom, Skype, etc, please use your hand phone Whatsapp (which has both audio/video facilities) to keep in touch. Before signing off, please note that we have already put in place all avenues to assist everyone who is in need or emergency. Your cell leader is your 1st point of contact.
Take care. Praying for everyone.
This update is dated 9.00 pm on 15/04/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
May I have your attention on an urgent matter? This pertains to our role in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in our nation. In view of the DG of MOH reporting that the government is running short in supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health staffs, the Council is making an appeal to all who feel led by the Lord to make an urgent donation for the purchase of PPE. Time is crucial and we will close the collection on 28/04/2020. You can either bank in online or make cash deposit at the ATM under Canning Garden Baptist Church – MBB 008177312758. Whichever way you use, please remember to highlight PPE (online), and for cash deposit (ATM) write PPE on your receipt and whatsapp it to Ps Khim at 012-5013808. This is to differentiate it from the normal tithe and love offering. Any deposit thereafter 28/04/2020 will still be used for the purchase of PPE for government hospitals and clinics.
Thank you for your heart of gold! Together we will do our part as responsible citizens and expressed our gratitude to those who are fighting at the frontline for us. God bless all of you!
This update is dated 4.00 pm on 13/04/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
How are you keeping folks? We pray and hope this update will find you in good shape, good health and excited about the days ahead. Keep yourself physically and spiritually fit and maximize the present opportunity during the MCO to seek the Lord for yourself and your loved ones in prayer and devotion to the Word. Remember, this may be once in a lifetime opportunity and it may not come again. Treasure it and leave all our worries to God, for by worrying nothing can be changed, but trusting God will.
In view of PM’s latest announcement on the 2nd extension of MCO from 15-28/04/2020, we will abide by the government’s decision. This means, we will continue with our abstention from any public gathering, both religious and personal, for as long as the MOH deem necessary for the good of everyone in the country. We will continue with recorded messages on our website, live streaming with each other for bible study, prayer & worship, besides mutually keeping in touch by whatsapping each other. For the month of April, all gatherings in church has been cancelled. Going forward in May and June, we foresee restrictions on mass gathering (by social distancing) will likely to continue even after MCO is lifted. This is subject to confirmation by authorities, but be prepared and make the necessary adjustment for yourself and ministry.
During this MCO we are all readjusting our lives and while we are doing that, be prepared to learn a new habit, a new lifestyle and a new ability! I am sure most of us are aware by now, how important communication is by live streaming/video conferencing besides messaging with our hand phone. Pray hard for this facility so that the enemy cannot rob us at this critical moment of this vital means of communication. I am suggesting, not mandatory, if any members or leaders who want to learn about Zoom we can teach you. To date, we have not found a better means to conduct meetings separately at home, but if you do, please inform us. Lastly, should anyone be interested, please contact Dr. Susan Chen, Ps Ai Ling, Ps Mark Hsu or your cell leaders.
Signing off here with the love of God and praying for all of you. Rejoice and be glad for we are all covered by the Blood of the Lamb.
This update is dated 4.00 pm on 25/03/2020:
Dear CGBC Community,
In view of PM’s announcement today on the extension of MCO from 31/03 to 14/04/2020, we have decided to abide by the government’s decision. This means, we will continue with our abstention from any public gathering, both religious and personal, for the long term good of everyone in the country. We will continue with recorded messages on our website, live streaming with each other for bible study and prayer & worship, besides mutually keeping in touch by whatsapping each other. So, for the month of April, we will postpone the cell leaders’ training (3-4/04/2020), calling off the Good Friday service (initially planned for 10/04/2020) and Baptism/Easter celebration (12/04/2020). Easter message will be recorded and uploaded on our website.
Let’s continue to make full use of our containment at home by a deeper devotion in prayer and the Word, reflecting on the purpose of this pandemic, reviewing our commitment with loved ones and to one another. Last but not least, preparing ourselves to face a new season when this pandemic is over. Remember one more thing before we sign off. If you are aware of anyone who is badly affected by this MCO and is in dire needs of clothing, food and medical attention, please give us a try by first contacting your cell leaders who will then contact Ps Ai Ling. She will coordinate this emergency assistance. Thank you and praying for the best of everyone!
CGBC Church Council
This update is dated 12.00 noon, 19/03/2020
Dear CGBC Brothers & Sisters,
While we are reading this update, let us not forget to pray for the only means of communication available – our wifi and internet, and telecommunication services. The enemy would love to disrupt it any time, but let’s preempt the enemy’s move and appeal to heaven for His divine interference. I could also sensed the enemy is a little panicky because he thought he has the upper hand in this pandemic but realized the children of God is turning the situation around to glorify God instead. Churches are not intimidated but are rising up to reach out with the love of God, both in words and deeds, to their neighbors. God be praised!
Another thought came to mind, we really have enough of Covid-19 news nowadays though they are good and useful at this time. But, more important, it brought me back 3 to 4 years ago when God send many of his prophetic teachers to this part of Asia and sowed the seed of prayer, more specifically prayer ALTAR! Immediately, the names like Julius Suubi, John Mulinde, James Kawalya, Lew Lee Choo, etc came to mind. God is preparing his people for a world wide tribulation, perhaps, the current pandemic is just the beginning of more sorrows to come. God is saying we have to keep alive our life-line with Him in order for Him to accomplish His purpose on earth through His church. Folks, we need to relook and to review our prayer life because this is our power line aka a Jacob vision to be realized in our time – heavenly angels descending and ascending on earth!
Having said this, did we ask ourselves why and what about this 14-days of house confinement? Why do God allowed it? During Julius Suubi time, he advocated and emphasized that prayer must reach the 3rd heaven, where God’s throne is, otherwise it is not effective. Most of our 10 – 20 minutes prayer hardly penetrate the ceiling of the 1st heaven. How many of us remember this? This is my last point and I will end here for the time being. Let’s begin to inculcate and develop the most powerful prayer life we can ever have during this 14-days. Please make full use of this opportunity because we may not have another 14 days! Start by praying CONTINUOUSLY for 3 hours daily, either in the first half or second half of the day. Remember, this is a new habit, it will take time and process. No worries, since God intended it for us, he will see us through in establishing this new and powerful weapon. The Lord bless and keep you.
CGBC Church Council.
This update is dated 12.00 noon, 17/03/2020
Dear CGBC Community,
In view of Prime Minister announcement (16/03/2020), let’s take heed of his instruction and make some amend for the greater good of everyone and the nation. No one is exempted in this health crisis and everyone has to be level headed and be a part of the solution. With your cooperation we would like to make some temporary changes with immediate effect until further notice:
1. All cell meetings are to cease immediately until 31/03/2020. This is because most members are older folks whose immunity level maybe low and some may even be sickly. Many of the young adults are also care givers to family members and we do not want to see a transmission should the unfortunate thing happen. Thank God we can still maintain our fellowship through the website and telecommunication. Let’s devote more time to the Word and prayer, and family during this partial containment period. Some of you may even find this current situation an opportunity to extend your love and care for people who are in needs. By all means please do so.
2.The church office will remain open with staffs on duty by rotation, while others work from home until 31/03/2020. This arrangement will be reviewed in due time. Unless working in really small numbers and on assignment which is unavoidable, it is advisable not to come to church for the time being.
All our communication lines remain open and any inquiry, please forward it to your respective leaders. We wish everyone shalom and good health, and keep up your good spirit. God bless!
CGBC Church Council
Thank you
Date: 16/03/2020
Dear CGBC members and those who attend our services regularly,
We would like update you on what is happening in CGBC through this website. This is to prepare ourselves should the temporary closure be extended beyond Sunday 29/03/2020. We pray and hope to do all that we can, to maintain our ministry to meet your needs. To this end, we would like to assure you that our church office remains open as usual and all ministry leaders especially cell leaders are contactable by hand phone.
Further to our last Saturday 14/03/2020 announcement, all ministry meetings in church premise remains close, except for cell meetings are encouraged to continue at the home of members. We will update those who have signed up or involved in coming events, such as Cell Leaders training by Ps Lim Soon Hock, Good Friday & Easter & Baptism events, Bible teaching seminar by Ps Ricky & Wendy Sim come nearer to the respective dates.
Since church services are temporarily put on hold , we can still observe our tithe and offering via our existing online account under MBB 008177312758 Canning Garden Baptist Church. This news media window will be updated from time to time. Please follow up on our updates. Any inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact church office at 05-5468480 or
CGBC Church Council
Thank you